Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Life is fleeting...Very fast.

I wish I was persistent in blogging. It's still pretty new to me. Beside the diary I kept in 7th grade, I am not sure how frequent your entries should be. I am just wishing it happened more. Month and half passed, and here am I,  updating my blog (and only because it is Spring Break!) The last 7 weeks flew by. With all of the testing and grading happening in the school, it has been little crazy to catch up. We had 3 snow days in March...(What is happening to Spring weather in Nashville is beyond my understanding). Indeed, we celebrated Saint Patrick's Day on March 17th during our  snow make up day. Yeap, it was a joyful feast. All to say, time is slipping out of our hands and it is disappearing..

Yet, I sit here and think..only 2 more months, and I am sending off my precious 2nd graders. Ah, life is fleeting. I wish there was a time machine to keep some memories on-going. Since there is not one around, I am capturing those moments with pictures, videos, and stories. Here is one of the reasons I simply adore the life of teaching. On the roughest days, these kids will make you smile.

An ELL student who is barely reading on K level in 2nd grade.

And then, I could not help not to share our beautiful new hallway display (So Many People are Worth more than GOLD! )

And this...an 8 year old boy writes a story using "or/ore" words. Pretty unique. I am so humbled for these things. They make my job really interesting and rewarding.

6 more days of Spring Break..Then, I am back to teacher's routine. Hooray for 2 week Spring Break!:) 


  1. Hehe, this reminds me of what I wrote about in my "Why Travel Blog" post - so true. I don't know how frequent it's best to blog either. I think the more, the better. My goal is once a week but we'll see how we go :).

    P.S. You sleep, and snore at that, in class Miss Stanisic?

  2. Hahahaha..Sure, according to my kids, anything is possible.
