Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Favorite Writing Piece This Year

Well, even though it is end of April, I had to share one of my favorite writing prompts this year. The students had to visualize what the snow would look if it came down in colors. They were so creative, and they wrote such detailed sentences (that contained many good descriptive adjectives!). Then, the students had to create that snow. They used various art supplies.

This was displayed in our hallway during the month of December! Ha, we got soo many compliments.

"If snow came down in colors..."

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

TCAP week

TCAP week is here (for our 3rd & 4th graders) ! Just the thought of it gives me goose bumps..In order to praise the teachers for their hard work, we showered our 3rd and 4th grade teachers with little suprises just as reminder of appreciation. Good luck guys!!

On the other hand, I've got my unannounced observation out of the way. It went well, or at least I think it did. We shall see in few days. Of course, my sweet M. had move her clip during the carpet time. In response to her bad choices, this was the note I received during recess.

I'm not sure if I should be impressed by her vocabulary (inner monologue) or if I should be concerned with her behavior..Either way, it sure made me smile. Her honestly is priceless..and oh yeah, she's the girl that came in this morning saying "I got a haircut. I have whooping bangs like you.."...whatever whooping means to her.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Guided Reading Organization

Well, since I took these pictures for our literacy coach, I thought I should post them to share.

This is my guided reading area. My bins are organized by sticky notes (easily moved from one group to another). Each bin has lesson plan, journal, comprehension strategies, and the actual text-leveled books.

On the table in green buckets,I keep all of the supplies (marker, eraser, pencil, sticky notes, etc.) to keep the students focused during the guided reading time. During guided reading time, the students wear BLUE star hats emphasizing that they are doing their best as they read. Also, it is a sign for other students (while they are in literacy centers) to let them know that I am not available for them. They can not come up to me or ask questions as long as my friends at the table have the blue hats. It has worked very well. Most important thing: No disruptions or questions during the center block!

What do you do in guided reading? Lets share some ideas! :)


Oh, I just adored today's activity...Thanks Emilee! :) The students had a chance to complete this amazing hands-on activity to demonstrate each stage in the butterfly cycle. It was GREAT! Even my lower ELs could explain each stage, and they can use words such as larva, pupa, chrysalis, etc. It's a great way to retell the life cycle of a butterfly! 

Well, our larva is eating its food. It's smelling gross..Just saying. But the kids are anxious to find out how long it will be before they form chrysalis. Some of them predicted 2 days while others predicted 100...oh, once again, 2nd grades don't have good sense of time.

And my proud moment of the day...A student who started out on blue/red AR color has officially moved to ORANGE! Am I proud? OF COURSE! We celebrated his hard work today during math block..:) 

Until next time! :-)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Oh...just a week.

Adjustment after Easter week has been rough. I had kiddos with emotiona breakdowns, stomach bugs, and just overall chaos in the classroom. I think the kids can sense that it is the last few weeks of schools.

This week, we talked about line plots in math. For this project, the students got a "bag of goodies" for their table group. As a group, they measured the objects either in cm/inch. Then, they created a line plot. Afterward, they answered the questions. I supported the ELs with sentence starters which worked out to be success!

And then there is behavior issues that are arising that I have not seen yet. some of my students have started to be "unethical" often denying to tell the truth. They have started to blame each other for their behavior. Therefore, today, we came up with a new plan. If you moved your clip you had to do 3 things during recess: explain what did you do, why did you do it, and how you will make a better choice tomorrow. Oh yeah, it had to be in complete sentences. If students moved to red, they had to get it sign by a parent. Yeap, some of my students already wrote today..:/ They sure write fast under the pressure!

Oh yeah, our larva is here..and 2nd grade is ready to grow some beautiful butterflies!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Easter Week

Well, 4-day week never really works for 2nd graders. They usually can sense a "small break". At times, I think they are more ditzy than I am (believe it or not!). This week, I decided to share some of my memorable yet funny moments from the classroom. Inspired by a colleague, she encouraged me to keep a "journal" of these little funny saying because I'll not remember them in a year, two, or five. Once again, blogging can help up remember such things.

To start off, lets begin with my most "hilarious" kiddo in the class. As we were studying vocabulary words for the week and one of them happens to be "seriously", Little Mister H. makes a comment, "Ha..That is something I can never be." I'm not sure if they have matured since August, but his understanding of the word makes you humble about your work. And yes, he will never act seriously. That is a given. He's the kid that has a smile on his face even when he is in trouble. Priceless.

Then, there was kid who ran up to me during recess, "Do you want to see what's under ..." I was not sure where it was going...and then, he lifts up his extremely long pants, and he is showing his brand new shoes. Oh boy, the joy in his eyes was priceless. I'm glad it stopped right there.

And then, there is kids that want to know where do you live. Few of my kiddos have said, "I want to see you mystery house.." I'm not sure what that means but it reminds me once again that I am such a big influence to them. At this age, they actually LOVE their teachers. They are inspired by me and my life.. they think it is pretty awesome (not sure if I would agree or not). I just hope they continue to love schooling, education, and teachers (of course).. because it will shape their future.

Well, this week, we prepared for Market Day. For the past 2 weeks, we have studied economics.. goods, services, income, customers, producers, barter, trade, etc. For Market Day (that is happening tomorrow), the students had to create a good or a service that they will perform during reading block. They had to create an advertisement, price, store sign, and of course - the actual good or service. Throughout the week, students earned "money" for making good choices. Tomorrow, they will use that money to go shopping to other shops. I'm extremely excited to see how it will go. It's very hands out, and the students will hopefully learn basic economics from it. 

Here are some of my favorites from the Market Day Prep! :)

Nail Salon $2

Bracelets & Book Hearts $2

Monday, April 14, 2014

Tick, tock...Spring has arrived.

Well, finally Spring has arrived in Nashville. Beautiful weather, friendly people, and just the spirit of happiness is all of us. On that note, Milan & I decided to do Spring pictures. Pictures capture memories, and one day, that is all we are going to have. They are the proof of life. Thanks Karla for capturing our silly moments! You rock! :)

On the other note, work has been challenging. Perhaps, emotionally it has drained my energy. I lost one of my sweetest,most caring students due to  the unexpected move out of the country. The little girl who was as sweet as Spring tulips - full of life, great energy, friendliest in the class, inspired to learn and pursue teaching, and not to mention a little girl that reminded me that I need to invite her to my own wedding whenever I have one.. Not to mention, I lost a parent who bought me Starbucks, Taco Bell, and smoothies whenever she came to eat lunch with her child. She was a very sincere, caring..just all around good person. I'll miss those surprises dearly. I've had great experience with my parent volunteers - THANK YOU for all that you've done for our classroom!

On the other side, I gained a new student who challenges me by minute in the classroom. It's those type of things that make education so hard. How do you balance it all and not break down? Perhaps, one afternoon, as he was very upset and angry at the world, he made a comment in front of me and his parents, "How would you feel if you were rejected?" Well, that changed my perspective of the whole situation.I literally teared up but I pulled it together quickly. It made me teach a lesson on "appreciation"  and "differences" to my students. How do you appreciate the simple things in life? The answer is simple..YOU just do. We're all different, and sometimes that falls hard on us. It's just hard to make peace with ourselves. I just hope this student has the passion for education. He's capable of learning so much, and I can't wait to see him perform in my classroom for these last 6 weeks! 

And then, there is time.. there is never enough time...tick, tock. Spring is here..yet it is running away from us.. only 6 more weeks of school. In conclusion, I stumbled across this quote earlier, Spring is the time of plans and project." Well, I can't wait to share my future plans with you guys in the upcoming weeks/months! :)