Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Children with Big Ideas

This week has been nothing but easy. After coming back from long Winter Break, it seems like we can't back in the swing of things. To top it off, we've started studying government.. (local, state, national) and the purpose of each..Really, talk about pulling hair. 2nd graders do not realize world exists further than their front door. Well, most of them do not.  Of course, I had that one student who made me really think about our government and the "messy" things that come along with it. After being assigned to write a friendly letter to the president, she wrote her deepest concerns on the paper... Somehow and in some way, it made me humble for many things. Little friendly letter made my heart and mind race in million directions. I've thought it over and over... and it's still bothering me. When are we going to find a solution for immigration? Lets hope it is soon.

Oh, and it is.

And another letter that made me smile..Gotta love kids who worry about their teacher and the teacher's "throat"... makes your days worthwhile after pulling hair.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas...Long Gone.

I should probably be in bed by now since I have tons of errands to run in the morning, but I just had to share my community builder activity that I did in my classroom for the month of December. It worked like MAGIC! The students were so polite and friendly to each other.  All day, they would verbally say, "Oh, she lit up my heart just now by sharing her crayons... Oh, he lit up my heart because he picked up my paper from the floor." It was priceless, and I must say it was very cute!I used a template that said, " _________ lit up my heart by _________." The students had to fill out a light bulb that explained who and how they lit up their heart. Then, I hung the lights outside of our door. They loved seeing new lights every morning. It was definitely worth the time and effort. Way to go! :)

Behind the Scenes as a 1st Year Teacher

Well, here it is... my first official blog post as a 1st year teacher. Snow day tomorrow...YES! (I still feel like a high school kid who gets excited for a snow day...Thanks Metro!)  And now, I can recap the amazing 2013 since I do not have to up at 5 a.m. tomorrow morning. I've been hired as a 2nd grade teacher in July, and it has been blissful. I've met amazing co-workers who have helped me get into the grove of things. My family and friends have been so supportive..of course, Milan has been very proud of me as well. :) Many emotions have existed since August... joy, happiness, sadness, frustration, lack of sleep, sickness, accomplished, etc. You name it, I felt it. But honestly, I can say it has been an incredible Fall semester. My students have grown so much, and I have learned so much about myself by working in the classroom. They have inspired me in so many ways that I never imagined before. They have made this journey a worthwhile.

I'm ready to start the Spring semester. I'm ready for my kids to come back to the classroom (I've missed their smiling faces.) My classroom is ALMOST ready for their homecoming. 

 Oh, and yes, I must remember to be "all of these things" as my kids come back to the classroom Thursday morning.. This was compiled on the first day of school (August 1st, 2013).

I feel very blessed and humbled today. 

P.S. Hristos se Rodi najdrazi moji!! <3